30 Jun

That laundry room, which can be located in such areas as the basement, main floor of the home, or even up in the basement, can be a place where a flood can occur. When a laundry room flood occurs, the damage can be extensive and additionally expensive. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to prevent flooding of your laundry room.

To determine if you have a plumbing trouble that could result in a laundry room flood, check to see if the floors and walls around the laundry room sink are generally damp. Check the joints in the pipe connections to see if they are loose. If they are, you can fasten them yourself. Also, check to see if there are tiny holes or cracks in a pipe. If there is a small hole that will cause a leak, you can wrap the pipe in rubber hose and attach clamps at the top, bottom, in addition to at the source of the leak. There is also plumber's epoxy you can purchase which is effective at sealing small holes and fractures causing leaks.

Clogs are another cause of a laundry room flood as it can cause the floor drain sections or sink drain line to backup. Causes of a clog can include: hair, soap, and lint that can accumulate in the line and eventually cause it to clog. To determine if you have a clogged drain, you can turn off the water, take away the u-shaped pipe, and try to locate the clog. You will also have to examine each side of the straight closes of the pipe to see if there is a clog. Once you have located and removed the clog, put the piping back in place, turn the water on, and run water through to see if the water flow has go back to normal.

Burst pipes are also a cause of flooding. Burst pipes are often due to old worn pipes and frozen pipes. It is important to have a plumber restore old and damaged pipes. To prevent frozen pipes, you should cover the pipes in insulation wrap. Other times, a flood can be caused by worn parts such as a distressed hose connection. If you have old, cheap, or worn connections, you should get them replaced. If your water hose bursts, it will flood the room with hundreds of gallons of water. You should consider installing a shut off valve to prevent a really disaster. As well, installing a floor drain can stop flooding of the room. Hiring a plumber place in a washer tray under your washing machine will help collect water if a leak develops.

When implementing activities to prevent flooding of the laundry room, it is a good idea to have a plumber inspect the plumbing system, appliances that will use water, and plumbing fixtures, to check for damage and old and worn components. An assessment and repair of high risk parts and appliances will go a long way in preventing flooding of the laundry room in your home. It will prevent a lot of damage and save you a lot of money. When it comes to laundry room flooding, prevention is the solution.

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